For the past 5 days, I visited my sister who was vacationing in Bermuda.  The weather was superb, the food was delicious and the company was the best.  It's always a special occasion when two sisters can catch up with their lives and 
reconnect as only sisters can.  

After the last 5 months of downsizing, moving and renovating, I was totally spent.  I wasn't the fun and active sister I usually am.   I spent the last 5 days totally relaxing, reading and napping. 
 Ms Excitement.  
But, it was lovely to slow down my life and 
enjoy the beautiful sunsets of this friendly island. 
The days were all sunny and warm and after such a cold snowy winter, I jumped into the sun a little too quickly.  The first day in the sun, I sizzled myself.  I didn't think I was sitting in the sun that long but I underestimated the strength of the rays. 
 I was a crimson shade of red.  Ouch!!  
The rest of the time there, I spent in the shade with my books, bloody Marys and a group of new "friends."
Meet Harvey.  

The St. George's Club had over a dozen of wild chickens running throughout their property.  I've never seen chickens up close and personal like this and I was totally smitten.  The management told us not to feed the chickens 
when have I ever listened to management.  While everyone else was sitting around the pool sunning themselves, 
my sister and I were sneaking little snacks to 
our new feathered friends.
This was my main girl ... Henny Penny.  Her feathers were so beautiful. Some of the roosters were pecking at her so I set up a "rooster-free" area for the two hens.  
I felt they needed a "girl's weekend."  
We shooed away the roosters and fed the hens.
Henny and I bonded.  She slept by my feet when I was reading my book.  I am just nuts about chickens now.  
They are so funny.   

My father's nickname for me when I was little was "Chicken."  I never understood that.  Did I walk like one?  Was I a clucker?  Was I funny?  Most Dads call their daughters names like "Princess" or something else girly.  I got "Chicken."  
Now, I don't mind it.  Chickens are a delight.
This is Harriet, the other young feathered lady.  She had two roosters following her around constantly and she preferred "the guys" to spending time with my sister and me.  
We all know girls like that, don't we?

I've never given chickens much thought unless it was to decide if I liked them roasted or fried but now I'm not so sure if I could eat my little friends again.  Their feathers and markings are gorgeous and would make fabulous paintings.   But the best thing about these feathered creatures is that they are comical little animals.  Totally entertaining.  

I am glad to be back home today but I will never forget this special holiday with my sister and chatting the nights away with her like we did when we were growing up.  
How special it is to have your sister as a best friend.  
Thank you Pat for a wonderful holiday.

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