I needed something familiar so off I went to my old stomping grounds in the 7th arrondissement to visit some of my old favorite shops. The paintings above are from a little framing shop which also carries a few artists. This young woman artist paints delightful robust women and last year, there were quite a few. This year, only the two women above. They are small in size but quite pricey but I love them and they were the first thing I ran to see.
Isn't she fun? This was a skirt in a vintage shop with a woman's face that had been painted on wool. The texture of the paint on the fabric was wonderful and I've decided to go home after this trip and paint my women all over my winter clothes. It's just what a good winter needs, n'est-ce pas?
This was an avant garde clothing shop in the 6th arrondissement that I found on one of my lost walks. I'm always getting lost because I forget my map but I find the most wonderful places. The only problem is finding my way back to them when I want to see them again or more urgent, finding my way back home.

Can you recognize all the famous Parisian designers? Coco, Jean Paul, Sonia, Christian, etc?
Here's another small vintage shop with everything Chanel. Shoes, purses, suits and eyeglass cases. Prices are still a little steep as you can imagine but the fashions are timeless.
And this second hand shop had some beautiful little treasures which I will be making my way back to and hoping this time, it will be open. The picture is not so great. Difficult to take photos through a glass window with all the glare but the pins and costume jewelry were absolutely beautiful colors. And the price ...... 5 euros a piece. In Paris, that's a great bargain.