Last Fall, when I was in Paris, I came across these most interesting figures from outer space in the Tuileries Gardens. They had infiltrated the beautiful formal setting among the gorgeous marble statues that Paris is so well known for. What a reaction it caused! Everyone of these Creatures from Outer Space had a different expression. Kids were running madly around the reflecting pool trying to figure out which one of these fun aliens was their favorite. Okay ... I did it too. It was such a fun departure from the usual Parisian park and there were smiles on everyone's face. Only in Paris. I understand that when I'm in Paris this May that "the powers that be" are going to divert traffic away from the Arc de Triomphe and lay sod to create a temporary Park for it's people. Isn't that a neat idea? In the summer, they put large amounts of sand along the banks of the Seine so that the people of Paris who can't get away for the summer will have their own beach. Only in Paris. I love the quirkiness and the unexpected treats of this great city. Aliens in Paris??? APRIL FOOLS!!!